dry ice

Hanam Dry Ice Co., Ltd.

Hanam Dry Ice does its best to satisfy customers with the most stable supply.

Introducing Hanam Dry Ice’s innovative products.
Hanam Dry Ice Co., Ltd. will move into the future through continuous challenges and changes.

specialized company

Best in Korea
Dry ice manufacturing company


Long experience and know-how
Experts we have


Optimized information system,
Building various infrastructure

client satisfaction

To customer satisfaction management
A beloved company

Individuals or companies who have any inquiries about Hanam Dry Ice Co., Ltd. or wish to enter into a business partnership,
Please submit the information below and we will contact you.
Purpose of collection and use of personal information
- Identification of person through use of service, verification of real name, confirmation of intention to subscribe, use of age-restricted service
- Delivering notices, securing communication channels for complaint handling, and securing accurate delivery address information when delivering goods
- Materials for providing the latest information such as new services and providing personalized services
- Providing other smooth and quality services, etc.

Items of personal information collected
- Name, email, resident registration number, address, contact information, mobile phone number, and other optional items

Retention and use period of personal information
- In principle, personal information is destroyed without delay when the purpose for which it was collected or provided is achieved.
- However, in order to provide smooth service consultation, the contents may be retained for 3 months after completion of consultation. If preservation is necessary pursuant to other laws, such as the Act on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, it will be preserved for a certain period of time.