
Hanam Deyice

Realization of carbon neutrality

Best manufacturing
The dry ice handled by HNC is manufactured through a high-purity CO2 separation facility (PSA process) by receiving by-product gas collected from the nation's best fuel industry hydrogen plant.
By-product gus
By-product gas refers to gas that is inevitably generated in addition to chemical raw materials needed in the steel production process, gas stations, etc., and is the main culprit of greenhouse gases.
carbon capture
By-product gas containing carbon dioxide is purified through carbon capture technology to produce 100 tons/day of dry ice. This promotes national carbon neutrality and green growth.
greenhouse gas reduction
Countries currently leading carbon dioxide capture and treatment technologies include the United States, Japan, Germany, Norway, and Australia. Technology development is mainly taking place in developed countries, and it is contributing to achieving the national greenhouse gas reduction goal by securing commercialization technology through CCS technology verification.

Characteristics and Uses

Dry ice properties and uses

Dry ice is a product that solidifies liquefied carbon dioxide gas and sublimates into gas at an extremely low temperature of -78.5.
During the sublimation process, it takes away heat from the surroundings and leaves no by-products, making it effective in preventing microbial growth.

Different types of ice cream in containers on a store close up

Storage and transportation

Ice cream and frozen food
Cold storage and transportation

Showcase with raw fish at the supermarket

Maintain freshness

Fruits and vegetables
Maintain freshness

Portable hand sanitizer gel tubes

conservation and transport

Blood, vaccines, etc.
Preservation and transportation of medical supplies

A closeup shot of a laboratory worker examining a green substance on petri dishes while conducting coronavirus research

Sample storage

Sample storage for low-temperature experiments

silhouettes of concert crowd in front of bright stage lights, pool party

Effect production

Create fog effects on stages, events, etc.